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3 steps to connect with a famous person

Sagarikka 1

3 steps for students to gain popular contacts

I have been following this step for the past few years and have got amazing results. You can check out my website the contacts I have built over the years.

Step #1

Get into all the social media sites, Twitter, Linked In, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, or even clubhouse. Keep appreciating them. Post comments like

        “You are a genius.”

                “You are my role model.”

                        “Wow. That was a brilliant piece.”

Caution: Do it genuinely. Don’t fake it.

Everyone, even the most famous people, wants words of appreciation. “CHILDREN CRY FOR IT. ADULTS DIE FOR IT”

Step #2

After they get to know you, take this step. Start asking them questions on “what made them write such a post?” Ask for further insight, their thoughts, and more clarity in their writing. Finding you inquisitive, they will start answering your queries. This is an important step as they have started to interact with you and build two-way communication.

Step #3

Share your blog posts, your creativity, your videos and ask them for feedback. As you care for them, they will care for you.

Step #4

Fix an appointment with them and engage with them in a lifelong relationship. “ASSOCIATION BUILDS TRANSFERENCE” and some of their importance will now rub on to you.

“Don’t count the number of seeds in an apple, count the number of apples in a seed.” These famous people (seeds) can generate a forest of apple trees for you.